
To create an electronic product, developers need many off-the-shelf parts and a few custom parts specifically designed for the product. Many electronics developers do not produce these parts themselves. They also often outsource assembly of the finished product. Only after going through all these steps, can developers finally launch a new product on the market. The process of procurement within this supply chain is currently done manually by employees. Luminovo aims to automate these processes at every level of the electronics supply chain by offering each stakeholder an easy to integrate Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) module that addresses their specific needs. Their ultimate goal is to create a platform that will cover the entire electronics development process end-to-end.
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Founders / Management Timon Ruban, Sebastiaan Schaal
Sectors Digital, IndustrialTech & Manufacturing
Located in Munich, Germany
Co-Investors Chalfen Ventures, Tencent, Khadjavi Capital Partners, La Famiglia, Cherry Ventures
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