
kooky is tackling the problem of waste in the food and beverage industry. In Switzerland alone, 260 to 290 million single-use cups are being used and thrown away every year. This generates 2’700 tons of waste. kooky has developed a reusable takeaway infrastructure targeting retail chains and large institutions. It consists of smart cups and small drop-off boxes and the necessary washing and delivery logistics as well as an app. Its technological foundation allows kooky to gather consumer behavior data and offer loyalty programs. kooky’s partner network is growing very fast, as companies want to reduce the voluminous waste from disposable cups while customers and regulators demand more sustainable approaches.
kooky - color Logo - Verve Ventures portfolio company
Founders / Management Torge Barkholtz, Maximilian Zott, Dmytro Boguslavskyy
Sectors Tangible, FoodTech
Located in Zurich
Co-Investors UVC Partners,
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