
Sleepiz has developed a medical device that uses radar technology to measure vital signs (ie heart and breathing rate, as well as movement on a micrometer scale) without touching the patient. Sleepiz’s device is a small box that is placed on the bedside table at home. The company develops first applications in the diagnosis and monitoring of sleep apnea and other respiratory diseases including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
logo sleepiz- verve ventures portfolio
Founders / Management Dr. Sc. ETH Soumya Dash, Max Sieghold, Dr. Sc. ETH Marc Rullan, Dr. Sc. ETH Sunil Kumar
Sectors Health & Bio, MedTech
Located in Zurich, Switzerland and Pune, India
Co-Investors Höhle der Löwen, Swisspath, A41 JV Partners, ZKB, Hemex AG
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