
Identifying which bacteria or viruses have caused an infection is not straightforward with current methods. It takes several tests and several days, which in the context of hospitalized patients means it's both expensive and slow. PathoQuest enables screening for more than 1200 pathogens with a single test instead of several. Patented blood sample preparation combined with bioinformatic processing and matching of results against a proprietary database make this breakthrough in diagnostics possible. PathoQuest's CE-marked test significantly reduces the problematic use of broad-spectrum antibiotics. It is the major cause of antibiotic resistance, a growing danger to public health. PathoQuest scientific base is research by Prof. Marc Eloit, a world-leading virologist at Pasteur Institute in Paris.
Jean-François Brepson about Verve Ventures
PathoQuest is part of the Verve Ventures Entrepreneur Club. It is a unique approach providing us with value-added services to develop our network and activities. For example, we can participate in multiple learning-webinars on topics like marketing, exit, etc. We also have access to special conditions with key suppliers like AWS… We are proud to be part of the Verve Ventures community.
Founders / Management Marc Eloit, Luc Boblet
Sectors Health & Bio, Diagnostics Bioinformatics
Located in France
Co-Investors Idinvest Partners, Charles River Laboratories, Kurma Partners, Norgine Ventures
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