
KiWi solves a key issue of microfinance in developing countries, the lack of data on the merchants that need loans. The company distributes a card reader for small merchants in Mexico. Thanks to a mobile point-of-sales app, merchants can manage their business, collect payments and generates reliable insights into business performance. Using this data, KiWi automatically deploys preapproved microfinance loans in a matter of seconds.
Christian Sinobas about VERVE Ventures
VERVE Ventures constantly looks for new ways of supporting its startups. Recently, we were introduced to a great recruitment company through them and got referred to valuable advisors.
Founders / Management Christian Sinobas, Jorge Muhlia, Pablo Ize
Sectors Digital, FinTech, Payment Solutions
Located in Lausanne
Co-Investors Polytech Ventures, ArkAngeles, Symbiotics Group, The ArkFund, 1to4 Foundation
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