
Haelixa tackles the global concern for and commitment to supply chain transparency across industries by offering a proprietary solution which authenticates products from producer to retail. Through the application of markers containing product information directly into the product itself, the innovative technology protects brands by providing proof of authenticity and safeguarding the value linked to company's brand story, design, processing, and performance. A B2B company, Haelixa has worked with retailers, brands, manufacturers and non-profit organizations in a variety of sectors, including textile, gemstones and diamonds, and gold. Established as an ETH Spinoff in 2016 and a multi-award winning company, Haelixa endeavors to accelerate the global transition to transparent consumer goods supply chains, while making an active contribution to the SDGs outlined by the United Nations.
Michela Puddu about Verve Ventures
Having the support of Verve Ventures has proven to be a highly fruitful partnership, also granting us access to a strong and active community that we are proud to be a part of. Providing Haelixa with not only a rich resource of significant introductions, but also valuable advisory knowledge and insights, VERVE Ventures has helped us to achieve our goals and establish ourselves.
Founders / Management Michela Puddu, Gediminas Mikutis
Sectors Tangible Tech, DNA Markers, Traceability
Located in Kemptthal - Switzerland
Co-Investors ZKB, Clariant
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