
Arviem provides multimodal in-transit supply chain visibility. It allows customers to understand what’s happening throughout their extended supply chain. Arviem collects data and uncovers supply chain blind spots by installing automated, IoT enabled locating and sensing technology on multimodal containers and cargo. It provides exceptionally accurate and independent location and condition monitoring of cargo. Arviem offers cargo monitoring as a fully managed service, including monitoring devices, access to a data analytics platform, as well as device logistics and maintenance. Clients can develop cost-saving strategies, optimize their supply chain, assess performance, and identify bottlenecks.
Stefan Reidy
Verve Ventures has been a valuable partner to Arviem for many years. We did not only rely on Investiere’s expertise for finding investors but we are also grateful for their support in networking, education through the Entrepreneurs club, and introducing us to specialists and experts in various fields.
Founders / Management Stefan Reidy
Sectors Digital, Supply Chain Management, Logistics, Transportation
Located in Baar - Switzerland
Co-Investors SICPA, Swisscom Ventures, Zürcher Kantonalbank
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