
Alaya's Employee Purpose platform empowers companies to build a purpose-driven culture and engage employees while acting on today’s social and environmental challenges. Alaya serves major companies across the world. Alaya offers a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) model. Companies license Alaya's digital platform to easily manage their purpose-driven employee engagement programs, through positive actions such as volunteering, giving, wellbeing and sustainability.
Niklas van Neyghem about VERVE Ventures
Verve Ventures is a valuable partner to Alaya - connecting us with the investment community, but also to support us in our journey through training and advice - they have an impressive network and we’re grateful to be part of it.
Founders / Management Niklas van Neyghem, André Abreu
Sectors Digital, Corporate Social Responsibility
Located in Gland - Switzerland
Co-Investors Backbone Ventures, Wille Finance
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