
Druid provides a low-code platform to build and deploy enterprise-grade conversational business applications consisting of a virtual assistant-based interface, automation functions, and AI-based capabilities (natural language understanding, machine learning, optical character recognition, robotic process automation, etc.). Customers from various industries such as banking, telecom, retail, healthcare, and energy are using Druid to automate processes and save money. Use cases are internal (such as an HR, helpdesk, procurement, legal, finance) or customer-facing (such as customer support, contact center automation, etc.). Other use cases not only optimize productivity or reduce cost but generate new business: lead management and capturing, offering, contract management. Druid provides pre-built solutions for the most common use cases and integrates them into all kinds of business applications as well as UiPath’s process automation robots.
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Founders / Management Liviu Dragan, Andreea (Diosteanu) Plesea
Sectors Digital, Marketing Tech
Located in Bucharest, Romania
Co-Investors Karma Ventures
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