DBS System

DBS System has developed a patented technology that dramatically improves and simplifies the collection, storage and transportation of blood samples for medical analysis and pharmaceutical research. DBS System is the first company that combines the low cost and simple handling of dried blood collection with the quality and reliability of traditional liquid blood sampling. In this 20 billion USD market, the company has already secured large pharma companies and university hospitals as early adopters and testers. They are now launching projects with leading private labs in the US and in Europe.
Eric Ödman about VERVE Ventures
Verve Ventures has been our partner for the last 5 years. Along the way, they have been supportive and made numerous introductions. The power of their network is second to none. Their no nonsense approach really resonates with us, and will continue to do so.
Founders / Management Eric Ödman, Julien Déglon
Sectors Health & Bio, Diagnostics
Located in Switzerland
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